t.: +48 22-863-90-69+48 22-266-04-17

Internal medicine

We offer diagnostics and treatment of internal organ diseases; we deal with seasonal viral and bacterial infections, provide recommendations and therapy for elderly patients and also end of life care. We manage patients with chronic conditions.


We provide diagnostics and treatment of urinary system conditions, including micturiction problems, recurrent infections, diseases of prostate and urolithiasis (urinary stones). We specialize in prophylaxis and diagnostics of renal, ureter, bladder, prostate and testicle tumors. We deal with innate and acquired foreskin conditions and male fertility problems, arising from testicle dysfunction caused by varicocele, inflammatory conditions caused by infections of vasa transporting sperm/semen etc. We offer urological consultations for patients suffering from sexual dysfunction, for example erectile problems. We perform uroflowmetry (a test assessing urine flow through urethra) and minor treatments, as circumcision due to phimosis, corrections of foreskin bridle (penis frenuloplasty), diagnostic biopsies, catheter replacement.

Visit us

  • Popularna St, 62A
    02-473 Warszawa

  • Opening hours:
    Mon-Fri 8 AM - 9 PM, Sat 9 AM - 3 PM, , Bank account:, BNP PARIBAS 05 2030 0045 1110 0000 0165 5320

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