t.: +48 22-863-90-69+48 22-266-04-17

Paediatric neurology

We provide consultations, diagnostics and therapy for children since their first days of life. We deal with diseases and malformations of peripheral nervous system, disharmonic development and other functional problems, we provide monitoring during and after such diseases as meningitis or encephalitis. We provide care recommendations for preterms and low birth weight neonates.


We offer comprehensive healthcare, starting from the birth till adulthood. We conduct diagnostics and provide treatment of infections of different origin, malformations, civilization diseases, respiratory system diseases, skin conditions. We also provide care for children with disharmonic development. Our specialists offer prophylaxis of infectious diseases, including full panel of vaccinations, and prophylactic measures against civilization/lifestyle health problems.


Covers adults and children, even a few days old. We offer comprehensive prophylaxis and treatment, including subcutaneous and sublingual immunotherapy. We also carry out modern diagnostics: all available allergy tests, blood analysis, spirometry. Everything is done by a team of experienced clinical specialists.

Visit us

  • Popularna St, 62A
    02-473 Warszawa

  • Opening hours:
    Mon-Fri 8 AM - 9 PM, Sat 9 AM - 3 PM, , Bank account:, BNP PARIBAS 05 2030 0045 1110 0000 0165 5320

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