t.: +48 22-863-90-69+48 22-266-04-17

Katarzyna Wisniewska, M.D.

Gynaecologist, obstetrician

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  • Phone registratioin:
    t.: +48 22-863-90-69
    +48 22-266-04-17

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  • Gynaecologist and obstetrician with hospital and outpatient experience. She specializes in pregnancy care and in prophylaxis and treatment of gynaecological diseases. Dr. Wisniewska performs diagnostic ultrasonography, bacteriology, HPV infection testing...
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Gynaecologist and obstetrician with hospital and outpatient experience. She specializes in pregnancy care and in prophylaxis and treatment of gynaecological diseases. Dr. Wisniewska performs diagnostic ultrasonography, bacteriology, HPV infection testing and conducts procedures for diagnosis of oncological conditions. She can also manage contraception with intrauterine devices and conducts gynaecological surgery.

Visit us

  • Popularna St, 62A
    02-473 Warszawa

  • Opening hours:
    Mon-Fri 8 AM - 9 PM, Sat 9 AM - 3 PM, , Bank account:, BNP PARIBAS 05 2030 0045 1110 0000 0165 5320

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